Thursday, February 23, 2012

All Hail the CrashTest Queen!

Yay, me!  And yay for you, too.  It has taken me a whole month, but I finally managed to carve out a few minutes of peace and quiet for myself.  And where am I spending it?  Here, with you!  You're so lucky.

I wanted to inform everyone that I recently demonstrated my hard-core commitment to the CrashTest Lifestyle by performing an act that, I'm pretty sure, guarantees my lifetime membership in the as-of-now-nonexistent club.  What is the CrashTest Lifestyle?  One that endures and, yes, even dares to invite, the inevitable thrills and spills of a diverse and full life worth living.  Not adrenaline junkies, we are but humble and quiet participants, who have, and eagerly continue to, volunteer for the ride of our lives- indeed, the very ride to end all rides!  Viva la Vida!!!

That being said, I just wanted to let you know that to prove my devotion last week, when things got a little too slow around here, I decided to run my car into my house.

Okay.  Enough said.  Now you know.  I rock, right?

Go me.  Crash Test Rider.  Or, in this case, "Driver".  Or, if the truth be known, "Not-Driver".  More like, "Unintentional-Passenger", really.......

1 comment:

  1. Well, I must say that the wall is not so much worse for ware and the van, thanks to a deductible and great ins. co., is no longer all scuffed up. The point of the fact is that this club is not exclusive but I believe its members are reluctant participants normally. Those of us who dare to take screaming children into public locations, or who actually expect to finally get to bed early without any children disrupting that effort. Those of us who continue day-in and day-out to work, raise families and never break from the mundane to disrupt society with violence, public or private debauchery, illegal acts or anything else "exciting". We actually live like real men and women who willingly accept responsibility. We are the true backbone of America. Why not take some pride in our lives and find excitement in the tenacity with which we "never quit, never give up" a quote from Galaxy Quest, but fitting words.
