Friday, January 20, 2012

Hello. My name is Emily, and the last time I wrote in my blog was...umm...well, never.

So, as if I don't have enough to do, I now have this thing called a "blog" to occupy all of my non-existent spare time. I know, I know. Where have I been for the last 10 years? Oh, I've heard of them, and browsed them time and again, for contests, how-tos, etc. Anything useful that might possibly make my day-to-day better or at the very least more interesting. I blame Google for turning me into an information junkie and Pinterest for filling my mind with a to-do list that can, sadly, never be finished. But I have stayed away from the blog. Why? Because I did not know what to write about! Who wants to hear that I am tired of finding bare shelves when I go to a store to claim a deal, or that I hate having to take my son in to the school office for a tardy slip because I am the one who cannot manage to get him there on time? Lately, though, my husband has been telling me that I need to put my thoughts out there to be read. While I wonder if maybe he is just tired of my rantings and is trying to get me to impose them instead upon the unwary web-surfer, I have come to the realization that maybe it could be somewhat therapeutic, a fun experiment. And, so, to you who have stumbled upon this site during a fragment of your own precious free time, congratulations!! You are my first victim! Mwhaaa haa haaa!!!

1 comment:

  1. See, now it is so obvious to me that you are good at this. You can do so much with all of what is here. Connect it to your Pinterest and Google and then sub categorize it for everything you want to say. Keep it tidy and keep it "YOU" and I bet you'll be famous.
