Friday, January 20, 2012

Hello. My name is Emily, and the last time I wrote in my blog was...umm...well, never.

So, as if I don't have enough to do, I now have this thing called a "blog" to occupy all of my non-existent spare time. I know, I know. Where have I been for the last 10 years? Oh, I've heard of them, and browsed them time and again, for contests, how-tos, etc. Anything useful that might possibly make my day-to-day better or at the very least more interesting. I blame Google for turning me into an information junkie and Pinterest for filling my mind with a to-do list that can, sadly, never be finished. But I have stayed away from the blog. Why? Because I did not know what to write about! Who wants to hear that I am tired of finding bare shelves when I go to a store to claim a deal, or that I hate having to take my son in to the school office for a tardy slip because I am the one who cannot manage to get him there on time? Lately, though, my husband has been telling me that I need to put my thoughts out there to be read. While I wonder if maybe he is just tired of my rantings and is trying to get me to impose them instead upon the unwary web-surfer, I have come to the realization that maybe it could be somewhat therapeutic, a fun experiment. And, so, to you who have stumbled upon this site during a fragment of your own precious free time, congratulations!! You are my first victim! Mwhaaa haa haaa!!!